The biggest trial of my life is the untimely death of my son David at age thirty. His death was sudden. He was cut down in the prime of his life, amidst all the vigor of manhood. I wonder if he suspected whether he would die so soon. I wonder if he thought that he would have a long life here on earth with all its earthly satisfactions. David grew up into a lovely young man. But behold unexpected death crushed him. We therefore must not trust in youth, or strength, or in anything mortal, for there is nothing certain, except God and death. Death is relentless and does not discriminate. The transition from time to eternity is so short and can happen in an instant. As a passionate mother, I am connected to the real taste of life, and the constant thought of death. This prepared condition to depart at a moment’s warning allows me to be prepared for anything that may come my way.