Wednesday, January 13, 2016

“…and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

I am not sure what this verse means, but it is when we die that we can begin to live forever. I cannot understand death, but I began to know a little more about it when I lost David. I realized that death is a natural thing. It is like passing through a dark tunnel into light and a glorious place. When we die we are liberated from the body of sin. We cross the veil of tears and arrive where light shines forever and where joy reigns. Yet no one wants to die. We talk about light, joy, and the streets of gold and at the same time it is not clear to us as what heaven is all about. We are only acquainted with the earth and are not sure about the unseen.
Yet David’s death is like a magnet that is attracting me more towards heaven than ever before. As time goes by, I grow nearer to him. He is not far from me. We are getting closer day by day. I realize that the earth is not my home. I live in the sphere of the immortal which raises the level and quality of my life. At the same time I cry for my own disaster from being parted from such a wonderful son. 

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