Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grieving Mother's E-mail

This e-mail was sent to me by a woman who lost her son.

You have no idea Leila how much I relate to these words of yours: 

Intellectually I know that I lost my son, but my being and soul do not accept this fact. To make things even worse, my whole self-worth evaporated. I feel like nothing. How can I be someone without my son? He was my life.

It is like you feel every heart beat of my aching heart, speak my language and express what I can and can't express. Thanks for making me feel like I am a normal broken human being. In general , I don't care what people think of me and how I grieve. It is my loss and not theirs. My son was and still my life. He is the one who completed me and the one who made my whole life made sense. How can I ever accept what happened? 
They say "life goes on". Yes, life on the surface is going on. Yes, I am living but not alive. There is NO life without my son.

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